How the Customer Centricity Triangle can transform your organisation


As a leader of a housing association 'customer centricity' is something you'll think about, talk about, and write about daily.  Delivering a truly customer-centric experience is layered, all encompassing, and it can seem overwhelming at times.  This article will help you think about customer-centricity through the lens of the something very simple – a triangle.   We refer to this as the Customer-Centricity Triangle. The Customer Centricity Triangle  When something is so intrinsic to success we can get bogged down in the detail and lose perspective.   By simply reframing the way we look at customer centricity you can positively transform your organisation [...]

How the Customer Centricity Triangle can transform your organisation2024-10-23T14:03:18+00:00

The Truth About Success: How To Improve Customer Service For Growth


Customer service is the foundation of every business. No matter what you’re doing or selling, you won’t be successful if your business is built on bad service. And that can’t be viewed in general terms, or the overall effectiveness of your customer service, or the average level of your customer satisfaction. It’s about the whole experience, every single member of your team pulling in one direction to create a cohesive whole. It’s about how you’re measuring customer experience and expectations, and not only ensuring every stage of their journey is exceptional, but that the metrics you use to gauge that success [...]

The Truth About Success: How To Improve Customer Service For Growth2019-06-16T12:34:46+00:00

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    Do you feel you’re always at the very top of your game, leading the market, leading your team, and driving constant innovation and growth?

    Or do you want more?

    Do you want a working environment that isn’t bogged down in the pressures of the daily grind?

    Do you feel it’s time to uplevel your team, your business, and your outcomes, but you’re not quite sure where to start?

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