Gareth Southgate and Collaborative Leadership: What Leaders Can Learn


England has come crashing out of the World Cup, but our players are coming home heroes having gotten further in the competition than any team we’ve put forward since 1990. Their success is being credited to manager Gareth Southgate and his leadership style; calm, authoritative, and above all collaborative. What can business leaders learn from him to propel their teams to greater success? It’s not just about donning a waistcoat. Southgate has been developing some of his players for years in the England Under 21s; he’s been thinking long-term. He knows what he wants each player to do and he [...]

Gareth Southgate and Collaborative Leadership: What Leaders Can Learn2019-06-02T15:51:35+00:00

Transition Coaching – How Does It Work?


Any career goes through many phases and sometimes professionals need a little help to smoothly transition from one role to another. Whether moving up to management level, leading a new team or division, or returning to work after a break, the right support and training is vital for successful transitions. Rather than an optional extra, transition coaching has become an essential tool for the modern business. Enabling staff to excel at their roles from the get-go brings huge benefits – boosting productivity and ultimately, profitability. Effective support in – maximum performance out. Simple, right? Yet so often, employers get it [...]

Transition Coaching – How Does It Work?2019-02-06T11:10:18+00:00

Eight Steps To More Empowered Teams


The key to a happy and productive workforce is making sure they feel important and valued. Follow our eight steps to staff empowerment and help them reach their full potential. If you’re a manager, your success depends on the success of your team. Empowering your employees unlocks their full potential, increasing productivity and creativity. A workforce that is engaged, supported and challenged will not just ‘survive’ in their roles, but thrive and achieve. Sparking imagination in the workplace can be difficult, so here are eight top tips to inspire and empower your employees to take more responsibility, and create a [...]

Eight Steps To More Empowered Teams2018-06-27T10:28:38+00:00

Making A Success Of Change


Implementing changes in your business, big or small, is a challenge. From switching to flexible or mobile working to bringing in new management or a complete overhaul of your processes, seeing those changes through successfully is a tough task. Companies often spend huge financial and people resources on change programmes, and yet according to Towers Watson via Forbes, only 55% of change management objectives are met and only 25% of change programmes achieve long term success. How is it that so many highly trained executives drive such low levels of success? Getting the processes right is just one piece of [...]

Making A Success Of Change2018-02-26T14:30:57+00:00

Empower Your Business

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    Are you satisfied that your people are performing at absolute peak efficiency?

    Do you feel you’re always at the very top of your game, leading the market, leading your team, and driving constant innovation and growth?

    Or do you want more?

    Do you want a working environment that isn’t bogged down in the pressures of the daily grind?

    Do you feel it’s time to uplevel your team, your business, and your outcomes, but you’re not quite sure where to start?

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