The Social Housing Complaint Handling Code: the ‘Positive Culture’ approach


Complaints. No one wants them to happen, and no one wants to have to deal with them. But last year (2023-2024) the Housing Ombudsman1 received over 5,000 complaints and made 21,740 orders for social landlords to put things right for their residents, representing a more than threefold increase compared to the previous year. The Annual Complaints Review revealed an increase in maladministration across the board, with 73% of all decisions resulting in this finding due to the landlord not following its legal requirements, policy or process. As Richard Blakeway, Housing Ombudsman, put it2: “These figures are another stark reminder of the scale [...]

The Social Housing Complaint Handling Code: the ‘Positive Culture’ approach2025-01-28T11:27:40+00:00

8 Self-Actualisation Traits And How They Make You More Successful


Self actualisation is a school of thought which emerged in the 1950s, spearheaded by Abraham Maslow, American Psychologist. His theories turned psychology on its head from a prior focus of studying the intricacies of mental illness, instead to nurturing positive mental health. Self actualisation is the concept of fulfilling your potential - harnessing the skills that lie within you for maximum effect and success. This could be in any area of day-to-day life be it creative, professional, intellectual or social. A person that is self actualised is thought to be at the top of their game, succeeding in their chosen fields; [...]

8 Self-Actualisation Traits And How They Make You More Successful2019-06-16T12:35:34+00:00

All You Need To Know About Emotional Intelligence For Business Development


Business managers have often risen to their positions because they are good at ‘doing’. They organise teams, manage projects and ensure the smooth running of operations. What gets regularly overlooked however is the importance of ‘feeling’ in management. Going beyond the tasks, and understanding the importance of emotional intelligence in business development. Despite the rise in AI, business, when it comes down to it, is about people. People are not (yet!) robots; able to separate themselves from emotion in their business interactions and tasks. This means that emotion is an intrinsic part of business. And those managers that can master empathy [...]

All You Need To Know About Emotional Intelligence For Business Development2019-06-16T12:35:15+00:00

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